
Marissa Pona

Jacki Giorgianni

Nate Dunn

Episode 131: March Madness 2021! The Remaining Brackets!


Stephen King often writes about technology causing havoc in our lives. Life imitates art this week as technology has railed against the humans and sadly the remaining of the bracket recordings were lost. Marissa and Jacki do their best to bring up the key points from the conversations that everyone had as they recap the Sweet 16, Elite 8, Final 4, and the final showdown of the best Stephen King adaptation.

Apologies all around to the wonderful panel of guests that took the time to watch 32 movies and devote a whole Saturday to sit down and record the most anticipated episodes of the year.

Find out what Joey is up to on his website!

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Jersey Ghouls is a part of 3 Crones Productions. Produced and edited by Marissa Pona and Jacki Giorgianni. * * Join the 3 Crones - we'd love to work with you! Podcast, radio plays, short stories, scripts, and film. If you are interested in finding an outlet for your idea, contact us on Facebook!

Episode 132: Jersey Ghouls vs Grahame-Smith Adaptations

Episode 130: March Madness 2021! The 32 Bracket - Part 2