
Marissa Pona

Jacki Giorgianni

Nate Dunn

Episode 143: Jersey Ghouls vs 1920's Horror

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The Ghouls are headed back to school along with returning guest Catie! Starting with 1920, they will discuss some of the best horror from every decade. How could they not kick things off with the silent classics, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari and Nosferatu?

Check out the article that Marissa talked about: 100 years of The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari: why we’re still living in its shadows By: Alex Barrett

You can follow Catie’s adventures on Instagram and her recent work at Dread

Learn more about Renegade Film Festival on their website, Facebook, and Instagram! Want to submit your film for a chance to join the fun? Click here for the rules, information on deadlines, and how to submit!

And finally please check out Jacki’s new podcast The List We Missed! Along with AJ (of Let’s Scare AJ fame) the pair finally watch all of the popular movies everyone else already has. Currently episodes are released on the second Sunday each month! Subscribe on your favorite podcasting app and never miss out on the fun by following on Instagram and Facebook!

Thank you for the continued support of our show and the love you show our friends! It means so much to us! We have the most awesome listeners!

Episode 144: Jersey Ghouls vs 1930's Horror

Episode 142: Jersey Ghouls vs The Gate