
Marissa Pona

Jacki Giorgianni

Nate Dunn

Episode 144: Jersey Ghouls vs 1930's Horror

drac freaks.jpg

The Ghouls continue their history of horror series in the 1930’s with two Tod Browning classics, Dracula and Freaks! Hear about their hot take on how Dracula is a feminist, their dreams of running away to join the circus, and the constant conversation derailment to talk like the cast of Mare of Easttown… or more specifically, the cast of SNL.

Find the reference material for this episode:

Masculinity, Femininity and other Curiosities in Tod Browning's 'Freaks' and 'Dracula'

Subversive Horror Cinema: Countercultural Messages of Films from Frankenstein to the Present

The Ghouls are out and about in October! Come see us on October 9th at the drive-in for another Creature Feature Weekend that benefits Scares that Care. We are also returning to Monster Mania in Philadelphia October 22nd-24th. Vanessa from the Renegade Film Festival will be joining us! Stop by and say hello and check out the awesome merch!

Episode 145: Ghoul Talk with the star of Monster Squad: Andre Gower!

Episode 143: Jersey Ghouls vs 1920's Horror